NOTHING COMPARES TO YOU is a 1990 top hit song by Sinead O’Connor, an Irish singer. Favourite singer of my late son Nasir, a song which he often used to listen to. I now see after many years how he liked things which I can connect to his choices of people and things. Destiny apart I as a father and many parents, especially Fathers abysmally fail to notice changes in our children. We are lost in our world mostly trying to look up to things we do not have, rather completely oblivious and inattentive to what we have right in front of our eyes. We fail to notice ‘the pain, loneliness and wide range of emotions surrounding them. Sometimes we try to amend and rectify our own mistakes.

Sinead O’Connor passed away yesterday at the age of 56. She reverted to Islam and chose ‘Shuhada Sadaqat’ as her Muslim name in 2018. Lost her 17-year son 18 months ago.
The lyrics have been interpreted by scores of people but for her, it was the loss of her mother at that time. The loss of a child even takes a heavier toll. This is an unexplainable feeling which can NEVER be understood other than by those who have experienced it. I have many friends who have lost their children. They in their brave silence bear the loss. I can write a chapter on such a loss of each. I remember their faces, their eyes. Some cry and shed tears in their solitude and silence and some are overcome by their memory which for me is a natural and good thing to do.
May ALLAH SWT bless her Soul. Ameen

I dedicated this Song to my late son MOODY


Unveiling my thoughts

My precious pride

Just another Nobody


Emotional musings

The Shouting Silence

Silence isn't empty its full of answers.

Just Scribbled Thoughts - Shruti Ohri

And if all you can do is think, then scribble.

Cindy Bruchman

Photography. Observations. Adventures. Let's talk.


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